Sunday Summary #22

Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's been another hectic week, which is why I haven't updated this blog since Monday! But during this past week with all that's been going on- final week before the show, work and my birthday it's been a nice little break during all the craziness! I have a lot of blog posts planned from this week and for the next few weeks so I think I'll probably update every other day after Tuesday! 

The start of the week I finally managed to finish the illustration designs for my book covers. The rest of the week at college was then spent trying to finalising other things for the show- like printing out my work, mounting and (failing) at cutting them out! I also made little packs to send out to some different agencies that I hope will gain a little interest in work! I also managed to get my business cards, stickers this week and got my keyring hoops on my keyring things from the other week! 
This weekend was obviously my birthday weekend which started on Friday night (even though my birthday was Saturday). My family, Darren and I went out for tea at The Ship in Stonehaven on Friday night. Then on Saturday after opening my presents and cards up, I started trying out my new little instax mini camera! In the afternoon, Darren and I headed into Aberdeen to spend some time at his before going out with a few friends for tea. We ended up meeting up with a tumblr friend for a little bit before the meal as we hadn't seen her in a few months and fancied a game of pool! For tea we headed over to TGI.Friday's where I went with my usual choice of the Chicken Fillets and Mozzarella sticks! On an impulse I decided to try the Bubblegum Daiquiri which was ah-ma-zing! After dinner, we headed up to Slains Castle for a drink- or in my case a pitcher that I accidentally ordered and drunk by myself! Overall, I had a great birthday and it was such a nice change to be out with people I don't see very often!

1. Sneaky shot of my book covers! // 2. Just finished this! :( // 3. All my little promotion pieces for the show next week!! // 4. Got an Olaf cookie cake from Darren for my birthday!! // 5. Real life Instagram // 6. Nomnomnnom yummy bubblegum daiquiri!

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  1. Wooh! Happy Birthday again, glad you had a lovely weekend :)

    Caitlin | Thistle & Tea

  2. Happy belated birthday Lauren, sounds like you had a great weekend and the cakes look absolutely amazing! x

    Megan // Lazy Thoughts

    1. Thank you! And I did! They tasted amazing too- mum never fails! x

  3. Aw yay! Happy belated bday! xx

  4. The Olaf cookie is soooo cute! I've always wanted one of those giant Millie's cookies they look amazing! xx

    1. They are utterly amazing! I've had a cookie cake every birthday for the past 3 years! It's a must now xx

  5. Glad you had a lovely birthday! I'd love one of the Instax cameras, they look so cute and I love having physical copies of photos. Now I'm craving the mozzarella dippers from TGI's... they're amazing. x

    Charlotte / coloursandcarousels

    1. Thank you! :) Same here, the physical aspect was the main reason I wanted one tbh! And haha I'm sorry! I never even managed to eat all mine, forgot I ordered them and was stuffed when I remembered! x



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