Sunday Summary #29

Sunday, August 03, 2014

This week has been very uneventful and my instagram pretty much proves that. Apart from popping into MAKE to make another two necklaces and meeting a friend on Monday for lunch, I've literally done nothing all week!

That being said, this week marked the beginning of August! I'm not sure about you but this makes feel so uneasy, seriously how is it already August?! I had a look back at my resolutions that I shared at the start of the year and I'm actually surprised at how much of certain ones I have managed to do! Although there is a few that I still have to work on but we won't speak about that just now!

This weekend I've spent the majority of it being cooped up in work with doing two eight hour shifts! With baring this in mind I am going to spend the rest of this evening catching up on blogs, vlogs and get properly into The Secret Garden. 

How has your week been?

1. Finally going to finish this book tonight! // 2. So I made a Game of Thrones necklace // 3. Started a new book!

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  1. This year is going incredibly fast... I probably say that every year but seriously, it feels like christmas was yesterday! I haven't done much this week either. The problem is that not doing anything slows it all down and it's SO annoying. I just want to go to uni already!

    1. It honestly is going so quickly! And I know right!? I want to do loads but I can't do them because I don't have money/a car! :(
      Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

  2. Great post, it sounds like you had a nice relaxing week :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get the chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo.

    1. Yeah was pretty relaxing apart from the working haha! and I'll definitely have a look xo

  3. Hey! just found your blog through Amy :) cute blog! The secret garden was my all time fave childrens book, I think i may have to re read it! x x x

    1. Thanks! and yeah I think it was a popular one for many kids.

  4. I love The Secret Garden, your copy of it is really pretty. xx



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