For the love of Snail Mail #2

Friday, August 15, 2014

A few weeks ago I shared a post called "For the love of snail mail", within this post I talked about how I was wanting to send more out and said if people were interested to start up a little chain. After that post and receiving a lot of lovely post this week I thought I would continue doing little up dates with all my snail mail.

The biggest piece of mail I got this week was from Jenny as part of the #DICraftSwap. This months theme was Disney and I had mentioned in the questions that I loved Mulan, along with a few other memorable Disney characters. On Wednesday I relieved my package to find a lovely crotch stitch with Mulan and then a handmade bag with a quote stitched on it as well. I also received some awesome little bits including a mashup illustration. 

On Wednesday I also received some happy mail from Claire. Since she was the recipient of my DICraftSwap last time, I have really enjoyed getting to know her and start of doing more snail mail with someone who is really thoughtful in doing it. I absolutely adore the illustrated card that she included with this package and I am going to try and find a frame that will find it.

This week I also received MumToAandB travelling notebook from Claire. After seeing her instagram about it a few weeks ago and saying she would send it to me I've been so excited! I've never taken part in any kind of travelling notebook so it's great to be involved with this one. After filling my section out I'll be sending this one on, so if you would like to receive it then let me know below or on twitter!
I've also bought a new Address Book for my snail mailing as I've finally been sorted into a #PostCircle group so I need somewhere to keep track of all them, plus any other connections I've made like with Claire. I'm actually thinking about making my own travelling journal so if you're interested let me know about that too. 

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  1. I'm so glad you are enjoying writing xx

  2. So much beautiful mail and I'm glad you've gotten to know Claire better! And the items Jenny sent you are lovely, can't wait to get mine!!

    1. I know, love it all! I wouldn't have got to know her better if it wasn't for you though. They certainly are really lovely- hopefully you receive it soon!

  3. This is wonderful, I love snail mail! I've always wanted to get involved in blogger mail swaps but never actually sign up!

    hannah bee | from aus with love


    1. You should really get involved! It's so much fun! xo

  4. Oh my gosh this is absolutely beautiful and such a nice personal touch, I haven't taken part it anything like this before but would love to now xxx

    1. They were incredible little packages! Got great little penpal buds! You should definitely get involved, one of the best things I've done all year. xxx

  5. Ahh, I love getting mail! Although I don't nearly get as awesome mail like you did. Especially love that travelling notebook, it's so pretty (:

    Celine ~ Irresponsible Cactus

    1. Same here, definitely the best reason for doing it. It's gorgeous, but so upset that I won't be able to keep it haha!

  6. YAY for snail mail :) you certainly got lots of excellent things in the post this week :) I'm really glad you like you craft swap goodies from me. jenny x

    1. lots and lots of lovely mail! Thank you for everything you sent me, truly love it. x

  7. I think the little card with flowers on ir was what I sent Claire in her #paperypeeps letter! I love that it's been sent on, that's amazing! Long live #happymail X

    1. Aw that's awesome! Nice little chain mail (harhar) going on! x

  8. Love the travelling notebook idea! Can you explain to me how it works? Really fascinated by the idea, its so clever :D


    1. Yeah sure :) Basically the person who started it off wrote a bunch of rules/ideas and then wrote a few pages in the notebook and sent it along to someone else, they then write a few pages and send it along and so on, until the book is completed- it is then sent back to the original person who started it off. x

    2. That's such a sweet project! Would love to get in on it, will give you a tweet to find out more :) x

    3. It's was a lot of fun- trying to think of cute things to include that people may enjoy looking at/do x



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