The Christmas Tag

Thursday, November 27, 2014

I've seen The Christmas Tag so much over the blogsphere during the past few weeks. With it being December next week I feel like it's definitely ok to! I also love Christmas and tags, so this is pretty much perfect. If you love them both to you should definitely do it as well!

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s? 
...I don't really have one! I'm not much of a film watcher so I don't really watch any ever year. I do like to watch Harry Potter, Mean Girls and Disney films around Christmas time though as they all seem to appear on screens during that time!

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
We always open ours on Christmas morning. There have been many years where my sister and I have tried to convince our parents to let us open one but hasn't worked! We have the tradition of opening presents from 'Santa' first then getting breakfast then opening the rest of the presents up. 
Over the past few years though, Darren and I decided to open a present from the other person together since we don't actually spend it together.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory? 
I have loads tbh! But I think my main favourite is from a few years ago. We were in the middle of the main and desert courses and my Granda had fallen asleep. When he fell asleep he still had his fingers wrapped around his phone so every few minutes when he moved about his finger would press down on a button causing the phone to 'beep'. It was so funny and I'm sure I sat and watched for a good 10minutes. 

4. favourite festive food? 
If this is just Christmas meal food then it has to either be sorbet which I have instead of melon or the bread my dad gets to have along side the soup! They both taste so amazing. 

5. Favourite Christmas gift ? 
hmm... I have so many! But I think my favourite one from when I was a kid was probably my NintendoDS and during my recent teen years it has to be either my Adobe Creative Suit or my Canon EOS 1100D Camera I got last year. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I think it either has to be Yankee Candles Merry Marshmallow which they had on sale last year or the smell of party poppers... That last ones pretty weird but we always have party poppers at Christmas! 

7. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
I think the last part of the last question is definitely a tradition (party poppers)! But other than that we always have scratch cards on the table too. My favourite tradition, and the one I do every year is to decorate our living room window with the festive stickers. For as long as I can remember, I've always done the same arrangement with houses on the left, santa/penguins in the middle and kids having a snowball fight on the right! Also, every year since me and my sister were born my parents have bought us our own tree decorations to have when we have our own place! 

8. What tops your tree? 
For a few years it was a star but it's usually always been an Angel. I think my sister and I used to have shots about each year for who would put it up but since growing up my dad always seems to do it since we're not around...

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? 
I don't think I have really wished for an over the top, extravagant gift! Whatever I asked for seem to be quite reasonable ones since I knew the limits! ...In all honesty the fact that when I was about 7 or 8 and all I really wanted was clothes for my little Winnie the Pooh teddy kind of says it all! 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Just everything! I love the cold, the snow (when it comes), decorations, spending time with family, Costa Christmas drinks, music.. just all of it!

PS, please vote for OhHay! Blogs in Arts & Culture for the UK Blog Awards 2015 here – it takes a few seconds and would make me an extremely happy blogger!

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  1. This makes me so excited for christmas! Especially for the family time and the foooood. Oh and I voted for you- good luck!! xx

    1. Christmas is so great! :P And thank you! :D xx

  2. I am SO behind with christmas that i am getting scared hahah but I do love it, I am not an Xmas film watcher at all, and this year my fam are doing secret santa so we will get one pressy each..D: xxx


    1. Same here hahaa! I've only bought for one person and have no idea what to get for anybody else. That's really cute! I think it's great when families do that but I love buying presents so much so I don't think I could do that. xxx

  3. The Christmas tag is so much fun, it really got me into the festive spirit this year!




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