Sunday Summary #46

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ok so where has this week, actually no, this year gone?! How can it be December tomorrow? This week has literally passed in a blur with loads going on. I don't even know what I've really done all this week, it's just a blank spot in my mind!
Uni work has definitely taken over my life this week with a presentation for Creative Research on Thrusday, hand in for Kinetic Illustration on this Tuesday and another presentation for Communication & Interaction on Thursday! I've literally been doing work all the time for at least one of the classes.

I have had some time to relax this week which hasn't involved bloggity stuff as I do get myself wound up with trying to keep up on it. So this week Darren and I played some Halo and GTA over the week and then watched Guardians of the Galaxy, Harry Potter and Maleficent during the weekend. I also met up with a friend who I used to work with on Tuesday and had a catch up over Hot Chocolate. It was so lovely to see her as it's been months!

I'm also going to be (trying) to join in with Blogmas2014! So hopefully there will be new stuff at least up until Christmas!
PS, please vote for OhHay! Blogs in Arts & Culture for the UK Blog Awards 2015 here – it takes a few seconds and would make me an extremely happy blogger!

Development work from Kinetic Illustration // New Phone Case // My controller is better than yours // Quote of the week
Loving Computer Arts // New pens! // Watching Maleficent // Condensation is pretty!

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  1. Literally this year has gone so quickly hasn't it? Think I need to make the most of this month xxx

    1. Same here! Catch up on my books, get into my designs and uni work more, and a bunch of other things! xxx

  2. I hear you there! I cannot believe it is nearly over. I definitely need to learn to enjoy my time more next year and try and make it last longer!! Lucy, xx

    1. Oh definitely! Need to get out much more often than I have this year! xx



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