'Ello September! Blog, #CBloggers & Shop updates!

Friday, September 01, 2017

Yep hello, let’s skip the usual formalities of it’s been ages and just jump straight into.

So it’s September! And for this month what I thought might be good for me to do, just to try and get me back into a better writing habit was to challenge myself to consistently upload throughout the month. And the way I’m planning on doing this is to hopefully upload something everyday. Although I know my month is busy with a trip to Berlin so I’m not going to worry too much if i I miss some days but I’d ideally like to at least upload within half of the month.

But yeah, what else? So also to be done along side this blog spree I'll be running a #cbloggers link up too! I'm going to run it from the 22nd to 28th September as it means it ends on the anniversary chat date and I'm not away for the mamas majority of it too. I'll be sharing more details of that next week though, with the topics that & themes so keep an eye out for that!

And then lastly I guess the last thing I have to mention is that I'm going to be opening up freelance graphic design and hand lettering opportunities too! I'm trying to work on more client projects so if you have a blog header needing done, a poster made or some editorial bits for your online or printed mag give me a shout! And I'm also hoping to get some designs and stuff done to sell soon but I think I will be waiting till after Berlin to purchase them as I'd be better to keep cash till after!

Anyway that's all from me just now, I'll catch you in my next post! But let me know what you've been up to in the past few months and feel free to give some suggestions as to what topics/themes I should include in the #Cbloggers link up!

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