Honours Year Project // A Run Through

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hello again! It's been a few weeks since my last blog post but thought I'd try get back into things with a little run through of my honours year project as I said I would in my degree show post. Anyway yeah, last year after I finished my BA Year I shared a few blog posts summarising all the work I did for my modules and spoke a lil bit about the project and all that sort of stuff so felt I would do the same thing again. So in this years summary series I will have two posts, one will be around the development and process of how I got to my final work and the second will be a more of an in-depth explanation of the final outcomes. 

This year my honours project unlike some uni's actually lasted the full length of my final year- so about 7ish months. And I guess due to the fact that during my college time we would work on projects for about 3-5 weeks and then go onto a new one, I knew I couldn't spend those 7 months focused on only developing one concept or idea, so instead it was largely a focus on the creative process, mixing different techniques/processes/materials and seeing how the affect the outcome. 

If you read the second uni update post from my Honours Year last year then you would have known a bit of what my plan was during these months- which was to pick briefs from places like D&AD and BriefBox. Although I ended up straying from this quite a bit and more focused on the actual creation of illustrations and hand lettering to expand skills in these areas, they were there as options when I felt stuck with what I was doing. 

So this was essentially what I spent my time doing up until about March, which was when we had out Feedback week/presentations. It was then around this portion of time that I started spanning my work into the areas that resulted in my final outcome- which was motivational hand lettering and also thinking about the social media aspects of creativity in the digital age. 

With one of the aspects of the feedback from my presentation in that week, it was revolved around the question of "Who is this for?", which did help shape my thinking and in the end, made me develop the concept of the social media app (more in the next post). 

However, because I had spent a lot of time during this year exploring tools and materials I wasn't satisfied with having only one outcome that largely only explored the social media aspect of creativity. So because of that then, and the fact that I had been doing a lot of motivational and thought-provoking hand lettering at this time, I started thinking about how I could tie these things all together as well. This resulted in my 'Empower the Designer' poster/screen print series which you may have seen already through Instagram

Anyway, I think that's a fair break down of the project development without going into too much detail... But if you'd like a more detailed version of this, my Honours Project blog is still live so I can read all about and see much more of the work I produced here: lh-honoursproject.tumblr.com

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